Liberal arts education frees human minds by training them to think. Its origin can be traced back to the Ancient Greeks who considered liberal arts education indispensable for liberation of human beings so that they can use their potential to the fullest. It serves as an important tool for creating self-awareness thus paving way for self improvements. It also serves as the basis for the study of philosophy and theology.
Liberal arts are divided into two parts:
Spirit and matter combine to form a complete human being. Liberal arts aim at holistic education seeking to educate the whole person.
Liberal arts aim at elevating and drawing the soul towards the discovery of the truth. It has the power to move the masses by enlightening the faculty of judgement.
It equips the man with freedom of thought which directly affects the quality of expression. It teaches man to think clearly and critically, to write and speak with eloquence and read with comprehension.
Mortimer J. Adler says, “It is not surprising that the liberal arts were most assiduously cultivated in the Middle Ages than ever before or after. When theology is queen of the sciences, liberal education flourishes in her train.”
This course made me realise that the state of my heart rules my perspectives and my worldview and in turn my actions. The light that dominates my spiritual existence would lead my physical existence so I should not be taking my actions lightly and keep a constant check on the state of my soul. As I am what I nourish my soul with!
I realised that the state of my heart was responsible for my sufferings, anxiety and depression. The sessions provided me with the practically applicable insights to bring a positive change in my spiritual health.
This course drew me closer to Allah. I was introduced to the approach of looking at my situations and circumstances from the divine perspective and it was indeed a bliss.
“The Day when neither wealth nor children will be of any benefit. Only those who come
before Allah with a pure heart [will be saved].”
Surah Ash-Shu’ara, 88-89
It is important to recognize the spiritual diseases and engage oneself in lifelong efforts to cleanse
and purify one’s heart. Just like our physical existence would become feeble and lose all its vitality
owing to lack of attention, proper nutrition, and care; our spiritual existence (our soul) also requires
sincere and continuous care through its purification using various practical and academic treatments
prescribed in Islam.
You will be the first to know when the doors open again,
If anyone seeks to dive deep into the Islamic Philosophy, Science of Healing the Diseased Heart is the best course for him. This course discusses some of the most important spiritual diseases, the seeds of which lie hidden inside the human heart.